Child Neglect

A recent TV show had a very interesting topic about Child Neglect. It was about a story of a neglected 4 years old girl who was found living in a dirty house full of mosquitoes, cockroaches and was not wearing anything but old diapers. Child service agency in America took a stand and sued the mother who denied the charges and said she only did what she could.

The girl was then adopted by two loving parents that worked hard to provide the healthy environment any child needs. Although, the young girl cannot talk, or comprehend things like a normal 9 years old. She acts as a 2 years old child due to the neglect she received through her rough childhood.

Medical studies show that a neglected child's brain is not as big as a normal one. The brain's size doesn’t shrink; it only stays put and cannot develop any further.

Abandoning a child will stop the process of development both physically and mentally. A physical connection should be there to the children at the early ages so that he could grow healthier. These means of communication includes hugging, eye contact, and simply talking.

A living proof of the girl we talked about earlier; Daniel who could not speak any words at all. But if she did, that would be her last time repeating it. 'It's like she can't reach the place where these words are stored in her brain' says her foster parents.

Also, Daniel had weird tics at first, like rocking herself, throwing fits 8 times a day and crying. Besides, once taken out of her old home, she had constant nightmares of her old house where she suddenly felt terrified of everything.

This is yet another true story of real life issues that the world suffers from. Education is the key role in solving all of this, I believe, and a keen understanding of parenting responsibilities as well.


Unknown said...

Education in the Western countries teach about "sex" and how to protect yourselves from having babies but because of that people become really ignorant and start letting their desires control them and end up having babies they can't take care of.

Some think that having a baby is a simple responsibility and it will be easy to take care of him/her. When the responsibilities increase, they start doing unimaginable things.

You shared a really good information up there which is:
" Abandoning a child will stop the process of development both physically and mentally. A physical connection should be there to the children at the early ages so that he could grow healthier. These means of communication includes hugging, eye contact, and simply talking."

I think everyone should keep that in mind while raising a baby. =)