Dr. Mohammed AlAwadhi in Oman

Dr. Mohammed AlAwadhi's lecture had the title of "تقديرًا لِذَاتي، أعْلَنْتُ إحْترامِي" was held last night at the open amphitheatre in SQU.

The theme is one of the many campaign themes started by Rekaaz, an organisation aimed at spreading human values. The lecture was a very light one, started by a nasheed presented by a group of guys. Then later 2 promising Omani munsheeden from AlRayan recording sang a beautiful nasheed. The opening was later followed by short video clippings about the organisation that is based in Kuwait and it's branch here, ROV ( Rekaz Omani Volunteers). Dr. Mohammed AlAwadhi has a unique style of delivering his message through retelling many stories to prove his point. There was no 'respect' is this or that, but it was hinted in his various stories to capture our attention. Like the majority, I really benefited a lot from the evening and would have preferred it if the duration was a little longer for he truly captivated us into listening to his encouraging and informative words. He spoke about how self-respect begins from within in order to be respected. When you value yourself and potentials, you then declare your respect and hence people will treat you the same.

P.S: I reviewed two of their previous campaign's (حلو نعيش بمسؤولية) short stories: حسن والمانجو and عشت معها