I Miss..

I miss hearing characters' voices in my head, the countless insomniac nights in which I'd be trying to quiet a story plot over the other. I miss the excitement I get when a new scene forms in my mind which jolts me off my place to write it down.

Those days were amazing, I get so hooked up on my stories that I feel the presence of my characters, feel the need to be their voice and have words written on the blank ms sheet. It was incredible, the amount of time I spent in writing so much and deleting most of the lines only to add more of them later. I miss reading my stories as if for the first time, I try to put myself in the reader's shoes and find faults in everything.. It usually works, though most of the time, I end up feeling exhausted and I'd stop writing for a while. But the urge to end a story kicks in just in the right time, or not, in some cases. Above all, I miss the feeling that I get when all's done that I could have done better than this. Way better. Then I end up publishing it anyways.


The Linoleum Surfer said...

I enjoy your random thoughts. :)

Maryam said...

^ Good to hear.

Lulu's veiw said...

That's amazing.

ibhog said...

so I'm not the only one who's addicted to reading their own work .. that's good :)

Maryam said...

^ Very. Thanks for stopping by.