
I have stopped writing for the paper. It's been almost two months now since I wrote an article for my column or worried about meeting up with the deadline. A lot have been wondering why I chose to stop.. Here's why; I don't know what to write anymore. It's like I ran out of topics to discuss and at the last few weeks, I had a hard time coming up with something. I used to procrastinate till the last 45 minutes or so then quickly scribble something and send it. I hated doing that. Writing has to be driven by a force of passion, not by the mere reason of getting it over with. I didn't feel like I was being sincere in my work hence I stopped.

I haven't written any stories since May 27th. That was the day I went back to update Hiatus Lane.. A draft which was never published.

..Yet, when things get tough, you'd find me writing again. They may not be complete paragraphs in an organised pattern. Just plain, random sentences could do it for me. Those writings, I keep them dated. I'll always go back to them and I'd realise how I was feeling right then and there.. And I'd smile at how writing these words down eased the pain of having bottled my thoughts in for so long..


Noor said...

I really miss you btw and your writings.

I love that you feel this way about writing, I wish I made more of an effort to let out bottled emotions. I know it'd help but I feel as if documenting them would make them linger longer though that's not true most of the time.
